Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is our vision.

We are a group of coffee lovers that select quality, sustainable coffee. We strive to add value to the coffee we source, and show respect to every human hand that has been involved in its production. With this intention we are privileged to be able to roast and make offerings of coffee available.

In all aspects of our work we do good for the product and good to all who are touched by our coffee.

We respect that we are part of a community of coffee lovers that, through their support and patronage, are able to source and enjoy great coffees from all over the world.

We love small business

At Quaffee we believe strongly in the promotion of small business, and see the specialist small business and home office sectors as our primary markets. We believe that specialist small businesses are the primary heart of the South African business landscape and that these businesses are the future of South Africa. The business-owners that we attract are normally those that are strong believers in good service and an excellent product.

Our business has been structured to have the best aspects of both small, medium and large business. In view of this we general follow good business practices in our back office system to ensure we deliver consistently and in a way that follows all the recognised guidelines such as GAAP and Sigma 6.

Quaffee is a registered Trademark.

Our roasting philosophy

At Quaffee we endeavour to show respect to the growers of the coffees we roast. What this means to us is a collection of important actors:

Each coffee we source, we roast to a number of roast profiles. Once we are happy with a profile that exposes the aromas and flavours we enjoy most we create our guideline profile for that coffee at that weight of roast. Then we continually check these profiles as the season change.
During the roast process the beans at NO TIME exposed to harmful exhaust gas, flavourings or water even during the cooling stage or packaging stage.
During the final stages of the roast sight, smell and experience are our guide rather than pure bean temperature. This is one reason we are big believers in hands on roasting.
After the roast is complete we document and save every roast. This allows us to analyse these at any time. We compare past roasts and roasts that the profile went not quite to plan. Each roast we mark with a batch number and date roasted.
We only roast pure Arabica coffees in our roaster, ensuring the barrel is only exposed to the best we can souce.


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