Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy is important to us; all information submitted to Quaffee via this website is treated as private.

Here are the cornerstones to our privacy policy:

  • We will only use your information submitted with the Quaffee staff that require it.
  • You can at any time request that your name and details be removed from our records.
  • Quaffee will not sell, exchange, or otherwise share any information about you with third parties, unless we have your express permission.
  • Quaffee hates spam, even in sarmies. We only send solicited communication and NO spam, do not maintain spam mailing lists or support the activities of spammers.
  • Any information you have provided us will be used for the queries or orders that you have placed. At most, we may drop you informative emails, about coffee, coffee machines, any events that we may run and news that will affect you and your coffee life choices, if you request it.
  • We will never request you provide banking details. All our payments details for goods and services received are on our invoices, or you can use PayFast or Yoco or SnapScan when available.
  • Our credit card payment system is fully outsourced; we retain no information from that system at all. We have no access to any banking or credit information from our Pay Provider, the only information we are sent is confirmation of payment. Even then, the moneys received by the Payment provider remain in Escrow for at least 48 hours.
  • Any data can be removed at your request at any time.
  • All our communications have unsubscribe options.

POPIA / GDPR Compliance

The above is fully compliant with both POPIA and GDPR requirments.

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