Quaffee’s News & Brews- March 2024 🌱

What’s Brewing This Month? Take 2 minutes to find out.

1. A Nicaraguan Encore

We’re delighted to welcome back a familiar favourite from the Rajuanse Estate. Our latest offering is a washed Pacamara from Nicaragua, a bean know for its size and flavour. [Discover the story and more here].

 2. Sacred Space: A Chapter Closes

The curtains are drawing on our quaint pop-up, Sacred Space at 22Fifty. As we bid adieu at March’s end, Nicole will carry forward the essence of Sacred Space, crafting bespoke pop-up experiences for your events.

 3. Your Voice Shapes Our Web

We are selective in what we offer on our website but are open to suggestions. Ever spotted a gap in our gear? Let us know! We’re all ears and ready to explore products you’ve set your heart on. Your suggestions could find a home on our website, so share your thoughts, and watch our collection grow.

 4. Coffee on a Budget

Our budget blend line is proof that taste doesn’t have to break the bank. With a focus on quality and traceability, these blends are a wallet-friendly way to enjoy a delicious cup. [Explore our budget-friendly options].

Coming Soon:

Keep an eye out for an upcoming addition from El Salvador. It will be another Pacamara coffee we enjoyed when we tasted it.

Pour yourself a cup of joy with Quaffee’s latest selections! [View all our coffees here].


Edited using Grammarly and content altered by co-pilot.

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