What are coffee’s health benefits – 2024?

Many years ago we consolidated a list of health benefits we had found coffee was linked to, and posted a summary of coffee and health facts here…. In 2024, new scientific research highlights the benefits of consuming 2 to 3 cups of coffee. During the podcast “Coffee’s Hidden Health Benefits,” Prof. Tim Spector and James Hoffman delve into this topic. Let’s summarize the key facts:

Coffee’s Health Benefits

The podcast begins by addressing the shift in perception of coffee from a potential health risk to a beneficial beverage. According to Professor Tim Spector, coffee, once thought to harm cardiovascular health, has been found to actually support heart health. It may potentially reduce heart attack risks by 25%

Coffee’s Complex Nature

Coffee, a complex beverage, contains thousands of different compounds. Among these are fiber and polyphenols, which offer various health benefits. They support the gut microbiome and may potentially lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels

Caffeine’s Role

Caffeine is the elephant in the room during all coffee and health discussions. Research has revealed its various roles, such as enhancing bee memory and aiding in pollination. However, it’s important to note that individual sensitivity to caffeine may impact sleep quality.

Decaffeinated Coffee

Decaffeinated coffee retains the health benefits of regular coffee. Hence it is a suitable alternative for those who wish to enjoy these benefits without the stimulating effects of caffeine. Also worth noting is that decaffeination is perfectly fine to drink, and the chemistry of removing the caffeine has been found to have no adverse effects.

Coffee and Gut Microbiome

Professor Spector discussed a study that shows a correlation between coffee consumption and the presence of a specific beneficial gut bacterium, Lawsonibacter, which is more prevalent in coffee drinkers. As it feeds on coffee, Lawsonibacter produces certain compounds, such as quinic acid, which help reduce blood pressure. Quinic acid also encourages the release of insulin, which reduces blood sugar levels.

Coffee Preparation Variants

The species of coffee plant, roasting, processing, and preparation methods all influence the chemical makeup and health benefits of the final brew.

During the podcast James Hoffmann, a coffee expert, experiments to examine the chemical profiles of different types of coffee, including AeroPress, decaf, instant, and kombucha coffee, revealing the diverse nature of the beverage. Results at the bottom.

Hoffmann also touched on the cultural significance of coffee, discussing how it has become an integral part of various cultures worldwide and the pleasure derived from both the drink itself and the rituals surrounding its consumption.

Coffee’s Fiber Content

A surprising fact is that coffee is a rich source of fibre, surpassing even a glass of orange juice, and can contribute significantly to an individual’s daily fibre intake. Two cups of coffee can be up to a third of the total fibre a person needs in a day. The key points about coffee and its fibre content from the selected text are:

  • Coffee as a Fiber Source: Coffee boasts a surprisingly high fibre content, containing approximately 1.5 grams per cup—more than what’s typically found in a glass of orange juice. Moreover, consuming three cups of coffee can supply roughly a quarter of the daily recommended fibre intake.
  • Impact on Health: The fibre in coffee contributes to its health benefits, particularly for those in the Western world who often have fibre-deficient diets. The inclusion of fibre in coffee helps explain some of its positive effects on health.

Polyphenols in Coffee

Polyphenols in coffee are a major contributor to the health benefits of coffee. What follows are the key points about polyphenols in coffee:

  • Polyphenols in Coffee: These compounds, produced by plants as a defence against environmental stresses, play a crucial role in benefiting human health by fueling the gut microbiome..
  • Chlorogenic Acids: A significant group of polyphenols found in coffee, chlorogenic acids are linked to various health benefits, including heart health and metabolic improvements.
  • Impact on Gut Microbiome: Lawsonibacter, a specific gut bacterium, flourishes in coffee drinkers and is linked to coffee consumption. It feeds on coffee and produces compounds, such as quinic acid, that may aid in reducing blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  • Variety in Coffee: The type of coffee plant, roasting process, and preparation method can all affect the levels of caffeine and chlorogenic acids, thus influencing the health benefits of the coffee consumed.

Personalized Effects of Coffee

Effects of coffee can vary greatly from person to person. Individuals metabolize caffeine differently, influenced by various factors such as gender, use of contraceptives, and dietary habits. Here’s a summary of the key points on metabolic variability:

  • Gender Differences: Females generally metabolize caffeine slower than males, which means the effects of caffeine can last longer in their bodies.
  • Contraceptive Use: Women who take contraceptive pills tend to metabolize caffeine even more slowly, prolonging its effects further.
  • Dietary Influences: Certain vegetables, like broccoli, can speed up caffeine metabolism, reducing its duration of effect.
  • Tobacco Use: Smoking tobacco speeds up caffeine metabolism, which means you need to consume more for the same effect. However, it’s not advisable to combine the two

These factors contribute to the metabolic variability of caffeine, affecting the duration of its effects and the optimal amount for individual consumption. Remember, everyone’s body reacts differently, so personal exp

Some notes about Chlorogenic acid

Chlorogenic acids, a group of polyphenols found in coffee, have significant health implications. These compounds play a crucial role in feeding certain gut bacteria, which can have positive health effects.

James Hoffman created 4 different coffee brews to compare the caffeine level and chlorogenic acid levels.

Summary of the brews

Coffee BrewCaffeine LevelChlorogenic Acid Level
AeropressModerate (72mg/dl)High (166mg/dl)
Decafnot measured, very lowHigh (158 mg/dl)
InstantLow (38.8 ml/dl)Low (33.55 mg/dl)
Coffee KombuchaLow (33 ml/dl)Moderate (55.87 mg/dl)
  • Aeropress: Offers a balance with a moderate level of caffeine and a high level of chlorogenic acids.
  • Decaf: Low in caffeine but still provides a moderate amount of chlorogenic acids, retaining health benefits.
  • Instant: While lower in polyphenols, it has a moderate level of caffeine and good fibre.
  • Kombucha Coffee: Has variable levels of chlorogenic acids due to the fermentation process and generally low caffeine.


In summary, the podcast explores coffee’s health implications, emphasizing its complex composition and role in promoting gut health. It also underscores the need to recognize individual variations in how coffee affects people.

As we have been saying for years coffee isn’t just a morning pick-me-up; it’s a complex elixir with many potential health benefits. So go ahead, savour that cup of joe!


Primary Source is Zoe’s “The surprising way coffee can improve your health“. Various edits via Grammarly and Co-pilot produced the final result.

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