Sacred Space | Quaffee

In the heart of Cape Town’s CBD, a beacon of warmth and aroma once stood. A place called Sacred Space | Quaffee, where coffee was more than just a beverage. It was a sacred space, a haven for coffee enthusiasts, a testament to the art of brewing, and a symbol of connection.

From its inception, this place was built on a love for coffee. The team, led by the passionate Nicole, believed in the artistry of their supporters, the final artists in the coffee brewing process.

Nicole’s vision was to create more than just a café. She wanted a welcoming space where people could savour their coffees, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and engage in meaningful conversations. And so, Sacred Space was born, a pop-up café bar nestled in a co-working area, serving as a sanctuary for productivity and dialogue.

But alas, all good things must come to an end. Despite the love and passion poured into every cup, the caf̩ had to close its doors. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of beans grinding, and the sight of people lost in conversation Рall are now but a memory.

Yet, the spirit of Sacred Space lives on. It lives on in every coffee enthusiast who walked through its doors, in every meaningful conversation sparked over a cup of coffee, and in every bean meticulously roasted by Quaffee. The journey of Sacred Space may have taken a pause, but its essence remains, immortalized in the hearts of those it touched.

So, here’s to Sacred Space, a testament to the love for coffee, a symbol of connection, and a cherished memory. May its story inspire others to keep their passion for coffee alive. 🌱☕


Sacred Space | Quaffee, won Best New café, in the Coffee Magazine Awards 2023. Nicole herself was nominated for Outstanding Women in Coffee in 2023.


Winner 2023 – Best New Cafe
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