If you are a regular of this newsletter, you will know that we only send it out when there is news. More specifically, when there is news that is more than a one-liner. Our newsletter’s purpose is news, not promotion.
In this newsletter, we will cover:
- Mpenjati visit
- Two new coffees
- East Timorian
- An unusual Colombian
- Discuss the decaf surprise
- An update on the Vineyard Hotel

Mpenjati Visit
At the end of last year, we were fortunate to offer a small amount of coffee from the Mpenjati coffee farm. The coffee farm is located on the southern bank of the Mpenjati river that flows through Munster. We were impressed with the coffee and scheduled a visit to the farm this year. Our visit took place at the end of March 2022. You can read all about it here: Mpenjati coffee farm visit…
New coffees
We have two new coffees, both of which are first-timers with our lineup.
- Timor Leste Parami – Our first-ever coffee from East Timor, or Timor Leste, as the locals call it. We have been offered coffees from this region, but have never been impressed enough to commit. We love offering quality Asian coffees; however, since Covid-19, we have not sourced an Asia coffee. We recommend you read more about it and try it. Details are on the Timor Leste Parami page…
- Inmaculada Sudan Rume – We are always apprehensive about offering coffees from Colombia that are not from our favourite turn-key coffee supplier Caravela. Sabores offered this coffee to us as an organic replacement to our Asorganica while we were waiting for it to arrive. It is an unusual coffee, and now that the Asorganica is back, we have some of this uncommon variety of Arabica to offer. As we were preparing the tasting notes and details to publish, we found that the winner of the 2022 US Barista competition (Morgan Eckroth) had used this coffee in her set. Same farm and variety, but an anaerobic processed version. It may not be everyone’s cup of coffee, but we still recommend you try it. Order it and read more on the page Inmaculada Sudan Rume page…
Decaf has landed
Those who know our Decaf know we are proud of it. It is a coffee that can stand on its own two legs and play with the other specialty coffees we offer. We have offered this Decaf for over five years. Last year has had its logistical and supply issues, causing a massive delay in the availability of our Decaf.
Coffee prices have increased dramatically, and our Decaf has been hit with a considerable increase of over 40%, excluding logistics. Because it was delayed, we have had to fly it in, which has its own costs. As soon as we know how much the coffee will cost us, we will release it. It is in the country, but we do not have our hands on it. Expect an increase of over 50% for those who love this coffee.
Vineyard Hotel
The Vineyard Hotel has opted to move away from the lighter specialty grade coffee and offer a more traditional darker roasted coffee. The team at the Vineyard believe that most of the people consuming coffee in the popular areas will be happy with this move. An exception to this will be Long Café in the front, which will still offer the single origin coffee, which will vary depending on the demand. We are keen to ensure that these single origin coffees are high-quality African specialty coffees. Currently, it is our Kenyan single origin we roast at Buitenverwachting, Githaka.
We have also changed the hours that Sino will be at the Vineyard roastery. He will be there Mon, Tues, Thurs and Friday from 8:30 to 16:30. Should you want a coffee from Buitenverwachting, we offer a service to drop it off there. The single origin will be the only coffee of the lighter specialty style available there from now on.
Every time I write a newsletter, my thoughts are with those that receive these newsletters and the support they have given us over the years. I am honoured to have you as our readers and customers. Those of you who care about what you drink and how it gets to you are why Quaffee exists. This business was created for me. I wanted the convenience of great coffee, and I wanted it to arrive automatically. Some use our subscription service. Some rely on our system to estimate when they may need coffee during the following week, waiting for the email to be received before ordering. Others just let us go ahead and let the system add them to the next week’s delivery, only replying when the system’s prediction miscalculated for some reason (they usually were away or were given a gift of coffee).
I thank all of you for all your support and all that you are, in your own way, doing for coffee.