The Hario V60 Drip Decantor is an all in one dripper and decanter, made popular by James Hoffman.


The company name, HARIO, comes from the Japanese words for glass (玻璃, hari) and king (王, ō), representing the goal to be the top glass manufacturer in the world.

In 1948, Hario expanded their production to include household items and introduced their first product, the coffee siphon. Today, the Hario range of products is diverse and includes items such as microwave-safe kitchenware, coffee and tea accessories, aromatherapy products, and pet supplies.

V60 Drip Decanter

The V60 Drip Decanter is perfect for brewing your preferred coffee directly. Drawing inspiration from the V60’s cone shape, the dripper includes a practical decanter that is designed to hold the brewer, and allow easy removal after brewing. The removable and washable silicone band ensures a secure grip for added safety.

How to brew

Here are some recommended guidelines on how to use this brewer:

  1. Begin by warming the glasspot and insert the V60 cone.
  2. Fold the paper filter along the seam and place it inside the V60 cone.
  3. Add medium-fine coffee grounds for your desired servings and lightly shake to level them.
  4. Slowly pour the hot water over the grounds in a circular pattern, starting from the center and moving outward. Wait for about 30-50 seconds before the next pour.
  5. Gradually add more hot water using the same swirling motion, ensuring it doesn’t come into direct contact with the paper filter. The brewing process should take about 3 minutes.
  6. Once brewed, remove the dripper, pour the coffee into a cup, and savor your brew.

What you get

In the box you get:

  • Hario V60 cone designed to fits the decanter.
  • Hario Glass Decanter.
  • Silcon rubber colar.
  • 40 x 02 Hario paper filters


  • Article No: VDD-02B
  • Colour: Black (cone and colar), and clear glass
  • Size: W135×D125×H198mm Φ155mm
  • Capacity: 1-4 cups (uses 02 V60 papers)
  • Weight (incl.individual box):  approx.600g
  • Material:
    • Glass pot / Heatproof glass
    • V60Dripper / Polypropylene
    • Band / Silicone rubber
  • Country of Origin:
    • Glass pot, V60Dripper, V60 Paper filter 02 / JAPAN
    • Band / CHINA


  • Hario website, and product details.
  • Part rewritten by Opera’s Aria.





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Hario-V60-Drip-Decanter-webHario V60 Drip Decanter (VDD-02)
R625,00 incl. VAT

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