A coffee chronology until 1901

Below is list of dates of the history of coffee. Some of the dates are subjective, and not confirmed, they will have a * next to it. Dates are AD. Source from Uncommon grounds and various sources like: All about coffee, Wiki, ehow. After 1700, all dates regarding coffee retail we have excluded. We stopped the history at 1900 since the dates get quite intense then.

Date Event
575* first cultivation of coffee in Yemen
900* Famous Arabian physician, Rhazes, is first writer to mention coffee under the name bunca or bunchum.
1000* Mahommedan physician and philosopher, Avicenna, is the first writer to explain the medicinal properties of the coffee bean, which he also calls bunchum.
1258* Sheik Omar, disciple of Sheik Schadheli, patron saint and legendary founder of Mocha, by chance discovers coffee as a beverage at Ousab in Arabia
1300* The coffee drink is a decoction made from roasted berries, crushed in a mortar and pestle, the powder being placed in boiling water, and the drink taken down, grounds and all.
1350* Persian, Egyptian, and Turkish ewers made of pottery are first used for serving coffee.
1400–1500 Earthenware or metal coffee-roasting plates with small holes, rounded and shaped like a skimmer, come into use in Turkey and Persia over braziers. Also about this time appears the familiar Turkish cylinder coffee mill, and the original Turkish coffee boiler of metal.
1428–48 Spice grinder to stand on four legs first invented; subsequently used to grind coffee
1454* Sheik Gemaleddin, mufti of Aden, having discovered the virtues of the berry on a journey to Abyssinia, sanctions the use of coffee in Arabia Felix
1470–1500 The use of coffee spreads to Mecca and Medina.
1471* First known coffee shop opens in Constantinople
1500–1600 Shallow iron dippers with long handles and small foot-rests come into use in Bagdad and in Mesopotamia for roasting coffee.
1505* The Arabs introduce the coffee plant into Ceylon.
1510 The coffee drink is introduced into Cairo.
1511 Kair Bey, governor of Mecca, after consultation with a council of lawyers, physicians, and leading citizens, issues a condemnation of coffee, and prohibits the use of the drink. Prohibition subsequently ordered revoked by the sultan of Cairo
1517 Sultan Selim I, after conquering Egypt, brings coffee to Constantinople
1524 The kadi of Mecca closes the public coffee houses because of disorders, but permits coffee drinking at home and in private. His successor allows them to re-open under license
1530/2* Coffee drinking introduced into Damascus. and Aleppo
1534 A religious fanatic denounces coffee in Cairo and leads a mob against the coffee houses, many of which are wrecked. The city is divided into two parties, for and against coffee; but the chief judge, after consultation with the doctors, causes coffee to be served to the meeting, drinks some himself, and thus settles the controversy.
1542 Soliman II, at the solicitation of a favorite court lady, forbids the use of coffee, but to no purpose
1554 The first coffee houses are opened in Constantinople by Shemsi of Damascus and Hekem of Aleppo
1570–80* Religious zealots in Constantinople, jealous of the increasing popularity of the coffee houses, claim roasted coffee to be a kind of charcoal, and the mufti decides that it is forbidden by the law. Amurath III subsequently orders the closing of all coffee houses, on religious grounds, classing coffee with wine, forbidden by the Koran. The order is not strictly observed, and coffee drinking continues behind closed shop-doors and in private houses
1573 Rauwolf, German physician and botanist, first European to mention coffee, makes a journey to the Levant
1580 Prospero Alpini (Alpinus), Italian physician and botanist, journeys to Egypt and brings back news of coffee
1582–83 The first printed reference to coffee appears as chaube in Rauwolf’s Travels, published in German at Frankfort and Lauingen.
1585 Gianfraneesco Morosini, city magistrate in Constantinople, reports to the Venetian senate the use by the Turks “of a black water, being the infusion of a bean called cavee.”
1587 The first authentic account of the origin of coffee is written by the Sheihk Abd-al-Kâdir, in an Arabian manuscript preserved in the Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris. Listing most of the dates above
1592 The first printed description of the coffee plant (called bon) and drink (called caova) appears in Prospero Alpini’s work The Plants of Egypt, written in Latin, and published in Venice.
1596* Belli sends to the botanist de l’Écluse “seeds used by the Egyptians to make a liquid they call cave.”
1598 The first printed reference to coffee in English appears as chaoua in a note of Paludanus in Linschoten’s Travels, translated from the Dutch, and published in London, believed to be the origin of the Englsih word coffee
1599 Sir Antony Sherley, first Englishman to refer to coffee drinking in the Orient, sails from Venice for Aleppo
1600* Pewter serving-pots appear. Coffee cultivation introduced into southern India at Chickmaglur, Mysore, by a Moslem pilgrim, Baba Budan, who is thought to have smuggled the coffee seed in from the Yemen.Baba Budan
1600 Iron spiders on legs, designed to sit in open fires, are used for roasting coffee
1600–32 Mortars and pestles of wood, and of metal (iron, bronze, and brass) come into common use in Europe for making coffee powder.
1601 Printed reference to coffee in English, employing the more modern form of the word, appears in W. Parry’s book, Sherley’s Travels, as “a certain liquor which they call coffe.”
1602 The Dutch East India Company VOC, granted 21 year monopoly on trade from colonial activities in Asia, they controlled the coffee trade until the mid 1700’s. With Amsterdam being the main trading market of coffee established later
1603 Captain John Smith, English adventurer, and founder of the colony of Virginia, in his book of travels published this year, refers to the Turks’ drink, “coffa.”
1614 Dutch traders visit Aden to examine into the possibilities of coffee cultivation and coffee trading
1615 Coffee is introduced into Venice
1616 The first coffee is brought from Mocha to Holland by Pieter Van dan Broecke
1620 Peregrine White’s wooden mortar and pestle (used for “braying” coffee) is brought to America on the Mayflower by White’s parents
1623–27 Francis Bacon, in his Historia Vitae et Mortis (1623), speaks of the Turks’ “caphe”; and in his Sylva Sylvarum (1627) writes: “They have in Turkey a drink called coffa made of a berry of the same name, as black as soot, and of a strong scent … this drink comforteth the brain and heart, and helpeth digestion.”
1625 Bad news for coffee lovers sugar is first used to sweeten coffee in Cairo.
1637 Coffee drinking is introduced into England by Nathaniel Conopios, a Cretan student at Balliol College, Oxford
1640 Parkinson, in his Theatrum Botanicum, publishes the first botanical description of the coffee plant in English—referred to as “Arbor Bon cum sua Buna. The Turkes Berry Drinke.”
The Dutch merchant, Wurffbain, offers for sale in Amsterdam the first commercial shipment of coffee from Mocha.
1644 Coffee is introduced into France at Marseilles by P. de la Roque, who brought back also from Constantinople the instruments and vessels for making it
1645 Coffee comes into general use in Italy, and the first coffee house is opened in Venice
1647 Adam Olearius publishes in German his Persian Voyage Description, containing an account of coffee manners and customs in Persia in 1633–39
1650* Varnar, Dutch minister resident at the Ottoman Porte, publishes a treatise on coffee.

The individual hand-turned metal (tin-plate or tinned copper) roaster appears; shaped like the Turkish coffee grinder, for use over open fires.

1650 The first coffee house in England is opened at Oxford by Jacobs. The same year Coffee is introduced into Vienna, by Franz Kulczycki
1652 The first London coffee house is opened by Pasqua Rosée in St. Michael’s Alley, Cornhill.
The first printed advertisement for coffee in English appears in the form of a handbill issued by Pasqua Rosée, acclaiming “The Vertue of the Coffee Drink.”
1656 Grand Vizier Kuprili, during the war with Candia, and for political reasons, suppresses the coffee houses and prohibits coffee. For the first violation the punishment is cudgelling; for a second, the offender is sewn up in a leather bag and thrown into the Bosporus
1657 The first newspaper advertisement for coffee appears in The Public Adviser of London. The same year Jean de Thévenot introduces coffee privately into Paris
1658 The Dutch begin the cultivation of coffee in Ceylon
1660* The first French commercial importation of coffee arrives in bales at Marseilles from Egypt.
Nieuhoff, Dutch ambassador to China, is the first to make a trial of coffee with milk, in imitation of tea with milk.
1660 Coffee is first mentioned in the English statute books when a duty of four pence is laid upon every gallon made and sold “to be paid by the maker.”
Elford’s “white iron” machine for roasting coffee is much used in England, being “turned on a spit by a jack.”
1662 Coffee is roasted in Europe over charcoal fires without flame, in ovens, and on stoves; being “browned in uncovered earthenware tart dishes, old pudding pans, fry pans.”
1663 All English coffee houses are required to be licensed.
Regular imports of Mocha coffee begin at Amsterdam.
1671 First time the Kaldi fable appears
1670 Coffee is roasted in larger quantities in small closed sheet-iron cylinders having long iron handles designed to turn them in open fireplaces. First used in Holland. Later, in France, England, and the United States.

The first attempt to grow coffee in Europe at Dijon, France, results in failure.

Coffee is introduced into Germany.

Coffee is first sold in Boston

1671 The first coffee house in France is opened in Marseilles in the neighborhood of the Exchange.

The first authoritative printed treatise devoted solely to coffee, written in Latin by Faustus Nairon, professor of Oriental languages, Rome, is published in that city.

First printed treatise in French, largely devoted to coffee, Concerning the Use of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, purporting to be a translation from the Latin, is published at Lyons.

1672 Pascal, an Armenian, first sells coffee publicly at St. Germain’s fair, Paris, and opens the first Parisian coffee house. Great silver coffee pots (with all the utensils belonging to them of the same metal) are used at St.-Germain’s fair, Paris.
1674 The Women’s Petition Against Coffee is published in London, and Coffee is introduced into Sweden.
1675 as a result of the petition Charles II issues a proclamation to close all London coffee houses as places of sedition. Order revoked on petition of the traders in 1676. However coffee houses convert slowly to Opium dens.
1679* The first coffee house in Germany is opened by an English merchant at Hamburg, see below for conflicting date.
1683 Coffee is sold publicly in New York, and Kolschitzky opens the first coffee house in Vienna.
1685 Café au lait is first recommended for use as a medicine by Sieur Monin, a celebrated physician of Grenoble, France.
1686 John Ray, one of the first English botanists to extol the virtues of coffee in a scientific treatise, publishes his Universal Botany of Plants in London.
1686 The first coffee house is opened in Regensburg, Germany.
1689 Café de Procope, the first real French café, is opened in Paris by François Procope, a Sicilian, coming from Florence.
First coffee house opened in Boston
1691 Portable coffee-making outfits to fit the pocket find favor in France.
1692 The “lantern” straight-line coffee pot with true cone lid, thumb-piece, and handle fixed at right angle to the spout, is introduced into England, succeeding the curved Oriental serving pot.
1694 The first coffee house is opened in Leipzig, Germany.
1696 The first coffee house (The King’s Arms) is opened in New York.
The first coffee seedlings are brought from Kananur, on the Malabar coast, and introduced into Java at Kedawoeng, near Batavia (VOC base), but not long afterward are destroyed by flood.
1699 The second shipment of coffee plants from Malabar to Java by Henricus Zwaardecroon becomes the progenitors of all the Arabica coffee trees in the Dutch East Indies.
Galland’s translation of the earliest Arabian manuscript on coffee appears in Paris under the title, Concerning the First Use of Coffee and the Progress It Afterward Made.
1700 Ye coffee house, the first in Philadelphia, is built by Samuel Carpenter.
1701 Coffee pots appear in England with perfect domes and bodies less tapering.
1704 Bull’s machine for roasting coffee, probably the first to use coal for commercial roasting, is patented in England.
1706 The first samples of Java coffee, and a coffee plant grown in Java, are received at the Amsterdam botanical gardens./td>
1711 Java coffee for Indonesia is first sold at public auction in Amsterdam.
A novelty in coffee-making is introduced into France by infusing the ground beans in a fustian (linen) bag.
1714 A coffee plant, raised from seed of the plant received at the Amsterdam botanical gardens in 1706, is presented to Louis XIV of France, and is nurtured in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris.
1715 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Haiti and Santo Domingo.
1715–17 Coffee cultivation is introduced into the Isle of Bourbon (now Réunion) by a sea captain of St. Malo, who brings the plants from Mocha by direction of the French Company of the Indies
1718 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Surinam by the Dutch.
1722 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Cayenne, from Surinam.
1723 The first coffee plantation started in the Portuguese colony of Pará, Brazil, with plants brought from Cayenne (French Guiana) results in failure. Gabriel de Clieu, Norman captain of infantry, sails from France, accompanied by one of the seedlings of the Java tree presented to Louis XIV, and with it shares his drinking water on a protracted voyage to Martinique, the start of coffee plantations in South America.
1727 Coffee beans are sold in Brazil, and the first coffee plantation appears
1730 The English bring the cultivation of coffee to Jamaica..
1732 The British Parliament seeks to encourage the cultivation of coffee in British possessions in America by reducing the inland duty.
1737 The Merchants’ coffee house is established in New York; by some called the true cradle of American liberty and the birthplace of the Union.
1740 Coffee culture is introduced into the Philippines from Java by Spanish missionaries.
1748 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Cuba by Don José Antonio Gelabert.
1750 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Celebes from Java.
1752 Intensive coffee cultivation is resumed in the Portuguese colonies in Pará and Amazonas, Brazil.
1755 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Porto Rico from Martinique..
1760 Decoction, or boiling, of coffee in France is generally replaced by the infusion method.
1760 João Alberto Castello Branco plants in Rio de Janeiro the first coffee tree brought to Brazil from Goa, Portuguese India.
1761 Brazil exempts coffee from export duty.
1763 Donmartin, a tinsmith of St. Benoit, France, invents a novel coffee pot, the inside of which is “filled by a fine flannel sack put in its entirety.” It has a tap to draw the coffee.
1770 Chicory is first used with coffee in Holland.
1770–73 Coffee cultivation begins in Rio, Minãs, and São Paulo.
1774 Molke, a Belgian monk, introduces the coffee plant from Surinam into the garden of the Capuchin monastery at Rio de Janeiro.
1779 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Costa Rica from Cuba by the Spanish voyager, Navarro.
1784 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Venezuela by seed from Martinique.
1784 A prohibition against the use of coffee, except by the rich, is issued by Maximilian Frederick, elector of Cologne.
1789 The first import duty on coffee, two and a half cents a pound, is levied by the United States.
1790 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Mexico from the West Indies.
1790 The first wholesale coffee-roasting plant in the United States begins operation at 4 Great Dock Street, New York.
1790 The first United States advertisement for coffee appears in the New York Daily Advertiser.
1798 The first United States patent for an improved coffee-grinding mill is granted to Thomas Bruff, Sr.
1806 The first French patent on an improved French drip coffee pot for making coffee by filtration, without boiling, is granted to Hadrot.
The coffee percolator (really an improved French drip coffee pot) is invented by Count Rumford (Benjamin Thompson), an expatriated American scientist, in Paris.
1809 The first importation of Brazil coffee by the United States arrives at Salem, Mass. Maybe as a result Coffee becomes an article of commerce in Brazil
1819 Morize, a Paris tinsmith, invents a double drip reversible coffee pot. That same year Laurens is granted a French patent on the original pumping-percolator device in which the boiling water was raised by steam pressure and sprayed over the ground coffee
1820 Peregrine Williamson, Baltimore, is granted the first United States patent for an improvement on a coffee roaster.
1820 Another early form of the French percolator is patented by Gaudet, a Paris tinsmith.
1822 Nathan Reed, Belfast, Me., is granted a United States patent on a coffee huller.
1824 Richard Evans is granted a patent in England for a commercial method of roasting coffee, comprising a cylinder sheet-iron roaster fitted with improved flanges for mixing, a hollow tube and trier for sampling the coffee while roasting, and a means for turning the roaster completely over to empty it.
1825 The pumping percolator, working by steam pressure and by partial vacuum, comes into vogue in France, Germany, Austria, and elsewhere.
Coffee cultivation is introduced into Hawaii from Rio de Janeiro.
1827 The first patent for a really practicable French coffee percolator is granted to Jacques Augustin Gandais, a manufacturer of plated jewellery in Paris.
1840 Central America begins shipping coffee to the United States.
The English begin to cultivate coffee in India.
1850* The cultivation of coffee is introduced into Guatemala.
1852 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Salvador from Cuba.
1860 Alexius Van Gulpen begins the manufacture of a green-coffee-grading machine at Emmerich, Germany.
1869 The coffee-leaf disease is first noticed in Ceylon.
1875 Coffee cultivation is introduced into Guatemala.
1877 The first French patent on a gas coffee roaster is issued to Roure of Marseilles.
1878 Coffee cultivation is introduced into British Central Africa.
Chase & Sanborn, the Boston coffee roasters, are the first to pack and ship roasted coffee in sealed containers.
1879 A new gas coffee roaster is invented in England by Fleury & Barker.
1881 New York Coffee Exchange is incorporated.
1887 Coffee exchanges are opened in Amsterdam and Hamburg.
Coffee made its way to Tonkin, Indo-China.
1890 Coffee exchanges are opened in Antwerp, London, and Rotterdam.
1896 Coffee was taken to Queensland, Australia.
1901 Luigi Bezzera filed a patent for an ‘espresso’ machine. Which Desiderio Pavoni purchased in 1903.

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