Newsletter V5I6 Oct 2016 – LMP and coffees

Probably the biggest news is that we have been able to work with the Vineyard hotel in bringing Ben and Kristy Carlson from the Long Miles Project out to South Africa.

Most of the other news we have is around a few changes to the coffee line up.


Long Miles Project Talk

From way back in 2013 when we offered coffee from tbenandkristylmpsquare300x300he Long Mile Project, we have loved what they stand for and do. Over the last year we have offered three coffees from this project (including one of their Cup of Excellence winning coffees) and so we are excited about Ben and Kristy coming to South Africa.

Ben will be giving a talk on the 25th and 26th October at the Vineyard Hotel, Newlands, Cape Town. There will be two talks: one on coffee quality, and one on the future of coffee. We are fortunate to have the Vineyard Hotel fully sponsoring this event, so there will be no cost for this first time coffee event, but space will be limited. To book and read more go to

Depending on the response to this talk, we will decide if doing others is worthwhile.

Coffee Offerings

For those that check our coffee list regularly, you would have noticed a few changes. We were not able to secure more of the Limu Konjo, but are now offering the Limu Kaffa. The Kaffa forest is where it is believed man first consumed coffee, all be it as a cherry initially. This coffee is organically certified and has a deeper body than the Konjo, which was a little fruitier. We will probably only have enough of this coffee to get us into 2017.

The Long Miles Project coffee that came third in the Cup of Excellence is now available, and we have made the price as affordable as we can so you can taste this example of a great coffee. We will be offering this coffee through the associated coffee shops at Buitenverwachting (the Coffee Bloc) and the Vineyard hotel (the Long Café) during the week that Ben and Kirsty are here, so you can taste it there too.

We have also started to offer the Ninety Plus coffees without their fancy packaging, so now you can order them online. We roast them every Tuesday if there are orders.

A few coffees are also on their way, and a few have just arrived. We would recommend you check the list on our website when you can as we continue to update it as our offering of coffees changes.

Cupping of LMP

We will be cupping the 2016/2017 crop of some of the Long Miles Project’s coffees this Friday 14 Oct at Buitenverwachting around 10am, pop in if you want to join.

Travelling to Ethiopia

At the end of November – first week December Frog Quaffer and Warren will be travelling to Ethiopia, specifically the Southern part of the country to visit Sidama and Yirga Cheffee. We are hoping to make it to the Kaffa region, but there is unrest there at the moment, so this may affect our plans. While the country has some connectivity challenges, we will post pics and updates when we can.

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