Quaffee Newsletter Vol 3 Issue 1 (March 2014)

Welcome to the first Issue Quaffee Newsletter for 2014.

2014 is well under way and we have had a great beginning to the year. We are so indebted to you, the coffee lovers that drive us to source better and produce better coffee roasts. We believe we have some of the most extraordinary clients, that seem to notice the smallest changes we make in roasts, blends and coffee’s we source.

Our first newsletter or 2014 is quite long, since we have had a busy few months, not only in coffee sales but in also looking at offers on the table, when it comes to coffee.

The good news is that our after burner and water scruber seem to have done the trick since this year we have been able to roast through the harvest without having to move to the old dairy.

Without further ado our news, in which we summarize this years story so far, so once upon a time ….

Coffee News

Leonel Trujillo

Leonel Trujillo

This month we have tasted a number of coffees that we have been keen to use to both supplement our range and replace some that have come to an end. With El Injerto coming to an end (once we have less than 10kgs left we remove this from the website), and the Nicaraguan Tesoro also coming to an end soon, we have been trying to get first a coffee we like and then also a roast we like.

We have tasted a microlot from Colombia a new El Salvador, a Geisha from Malawi, a natural from Brazil, and a Burundi that is from a single processing plant, run by Ben Carlson. Of all of these coffees we have decided to only release 3 of them. We also tasted some new coffees one which we will order later in the year from La Roca in Dipilto in Nicaragua, which blew our socks off.

The natural and Geisha were very disappointing based on our previous experience with these coffees. The El Salvador while not quite good enough for us to be sold on its own, we will however use to replace the one El Salvador we had in the Armonizar blend with this one, since we fell it improves the Armonizar blend.

The other three coffees we will release as single origin option. These will be:

  1. The Limited Edition microlot from Leonel TRUJILLO. The farm the microlot comes from is El Cafetal it is based in the Huila province of Colombia. The microlot is the best of his crop from his 1,000 trees, and we think the 70kgs of coffee we have (64kgs now since trying to get a profile we like) will be gone within 2 months. This is one of the best Colombians we have had in a while. Our rating is very good to excellent. This we will release this week.
  2. The second coffee we will release towards Easter. It is a Nicaraguan coffee from Finca La Pradera, in Dipilto province. We are still not happy with the profile for this roast, and have decided to wait until the Tesoro stocks are lower before we release this coffee. While it is good, it is not significantly better than Tesoro so we are not that excited about it.
  3. 3. The third coffee we are releasing as soon as we can (it is on the sea at the moment) is the Sogestal Kayanza COE lots from Longmile in Burundi. This is the first Burundi we have really been impressed with, must be Ben’s influence. While we current carry a Burundi, we have not felt it is good enough to release as a single origin. So this coffee will be available in both a blend and as itself, as soon as we get it. Oh by the way thank to Bruce Nygaard, for introducing us to Ben

Please check either coffee.quaffee.co.za or quaffee.co.za/coffee to see the list of coffees. The modification date reflects the last date it was changed.

What is a Microlot

A Microlot coffee is one that represents the best of the crop of a coffee estate that is already received accolades for their coffee. The amount of coffee in a microlot is normally small. Typically around 300kgs in total is released. Coffee lovers like us fight over what is available to get access to these lots.

Categorization of coffee offered

We have listening to everyone’s feedback, and will be moving to a more traditional way of categorizing the coffee. We have now got 4 main categories:

  1. Easy Drinking – a coffee you can drink all day.
  2. Medium and Balanced – a coffee that has a little more body and can tolerate a little milk.
  3. Dark and Bodied – a fuller bodied coffee that plays well with milk and sugar for those that like that, or is good in a more aggressive brewer.
  4. Limited Edition – We have separated the very good to excellent coffee that we receive in limited numbers into this category since they are special.

Jura News

The Jura range of coffee machines has had a 16% increase in price. Also some models have been discontinued; our website has all these details. You can access the Jura at quaffee.co.za/jura.


Thanks once again for reading the newsletter and your fantastic support, we look forward to hearing and seeing more of you.

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