Cupping proved Popular, A lot has changed in 5 years

Coffee Cupping goes down well

Five years ago we did a public cupping and I vowed never again. People asking me for sugar and milk burst my bubble. After five years I thought I would give it another try. With the new roastery at Buitenverwachting we had an open day, where people could taste coffees they way they like, and then we had a cupping session.

Cupping at Quaffee
Cupping at Quaffee

Good participation

While some preferred to watch, most of the folk that arrived decided to have a go. We have five coffees from our current coffee selection, Kagumo, Yirgacheffe, Antigua Pucal, and two of our exclusive coffees Los Idolos and Los Naranjos.

And the results where great. A few of the participants popped back in to try the coffees they liked on the cupping table in a way they usually enjoy a coffee (and I burst not a bubble).

All in all the Frog Quaffee hosted event was a success and I am now tempted to do another in November.

Most Popular

Not surprising the Los Idolos and Kagumo were considered the most popular with Los Naranjos banging down the door.

See you next time we hope. Come early to see the roasting demonstration, that a few missed. The roasting demo explains our complete double check roasting process.

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