Coffee “pure” Arabica is there such a thing?

Coffee originally comes from a single varietal of Arabica found in the Limu forests of Ethiopia. From there is spread first to the Yemen, where then partially roasted seed became part of the silk trade, and eventually thanks to an Indian Monk Baba Budan ends up in Mysore Indian as a seed, and the Dutch then take it back to Holland, and so began the cross pollination and botanical fiddling, that today gives us over 140 varieties of Arabica.
coffee treeArabica Tree?

The original varietal is now call typica and is found in Ethiopia, and parts of what remains of the Yemen plantation, planted between 500 and 600 AD.

So I thought I may list a few that I have and will find in the future, there are in no particular order:

  1. Augustigolia
  2. Anomala
  3. Anormalis
  4. Ihcafé 90
  5. red Cataui
  6. yellow Cataui
  7. red boubon (from the island)
  8. yellow borbon
  9. resistant borbon
  10. Mundo nuvo
  11. verigado
  12. SL 28
  13. Geisha
  14. Villalosbos
  15. Agaro Kaffa (after the Kaffa region in Ethiopia)
  16. Agro Gimma Kaffa
  17. Barbuck Sudan
  18. Wash Wash
  19. Zeguie
  20. Timot Hybrid (there are a number)
  21. Arabusta Alemania (guess which plant was used there ;))
  22. costa ricva 95
  23. Caturra X Geisha
  24. Caturra
  25. Erecta
  26. RuiRu
  27. Nana
  28. Semperflorens
  29. K.7
  30. San Bernardo
  31. Polisperma
  32. Moca
  33. Laurina
  34. C. rasmosa
  35. Purpurascens
  36. C. Liberica
  37. canephora
  38. Tabi
  39. Maragogype
  40. Colombia
  41. Castillo

I will try and add others as I find them

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