Feedback from public cupping of Mexican coffees

After cupping the 12 coffees I did at Caravela in Puebla (read more), I been permitted to bring 5 of my favourite coffees back to share with the rest of Quaffee and those clients that wanted to come to an open cupping.

Those that arrived were regular clients and knew our coffees well.

Roast and Coffee Details

I roasted the 5 samples I bought back; plus, our micorolot we are about to release from The Yara family from Colombia as a reference. All the coffees I roasted on our I-Roast. From time of first crack to cool was 55 seconds for all cars but getting there changed per coffee. Below is a table of the coffees. The columns are:

  • Our cupping number,
  • The Caravela number,
  • A description of the coffee as per Caravela
  • The number I cupped them as at Mexico (2 flights of 6 coffees),
  • Time at first crack (counting down from 9)
  • Time at cooling
  • Development percentage (estimate)
  • Weight in
  • Weight out
  • Loss percentage

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The Table of Coffees

# Code Coffee Mx # 1st Drop DV % Wght In Wght Out % loss
A CM19005 AAA, Veracruz, Washed, Victoria Marini 2.6 05:04 04:09 18% 99.7 90.1 9.6%
B CM190052 AAA Veracruz, Honey, Victoria Marini 2.1 03:48 02:53 13% 99.9 87.6 12.3%
C CM190053 A, Chiapas, Marca: La Cotorras 1.1 04:44 03:49 15% 99.7 88.1 11.6%
D CM190050 AAA,Chiapas – Maragogype 2.5 04:05 03:10 15% 100.5 89.8 10.6%
E CM190054 AAA, Veracruz, Aromas, Vitoria Marini 1.5 04:49 03:56 15% 99.5 88.4 11.2%
F SET-PLF-0036 ML, Co La Plata Benedicto Yara n/a 03:39 02:44 13% 99.2 87.3 12.0%

Tasting feedback

We used our custom score sheet that is more suited to public use. Most scores are out of 5. The following are rated:

  • Fragrance and Aroma (an average between the each)
  • Flavour
  • Acidity
  • Body / Mouthfeel
  • After taste
  • Overall

We then add scores and calculate a percentage, which we list below. I also included the Caravela SCA score that the coffee scored in Puebla.

Coffee A: Washed Victoria Marini

The feedback we got was:

  • Intense on the fragrance, burst of smells.
  • Flavour notes: Fruit, berry, apple, lime, choc to start, blueberry, cranberry, brown spice. As it cools peanuts, hazelnut (when cold).
  • People either loved or hated this coffee. Highest and lowest scoring coffee. Average score 84.5% – in Puebla it scored 86.

Coffee B: Honey from Victoria

The feedback we got was:

  • Quite a pungent Aroma, not too intense.
  • Flavour notes: berries, dark choc, tropical fruit, walnut. Slightly chemical salty as cools.
  • Scores averaged at about 83% – scored 83.5 in Puebla.

Coffee C: Chiapas from La Cotorras

Feedback was:

  • Moderate to high intensity on fragrance and aroma.
  • Flavour notes: Coca, mango, tropical fruit, citrus, lemon, lime. Brazil nuts as it cools.
  • Scores average: 82% – scored 84.5 in Puebla.

Coffee D: Chiapas – Maragogype

Feedback was:

  • Fragrance and aroma moderate intensity.
  • Flavour notes: Peach, caramels, cocoa, orange blossom. Veggy as cools
  • Score average 82.5% – scored 83.5 in Puebla

Coffee E: Veracruz Aromas (I think this may be carbonic, but not sure) Victoria

Feedback was:

  • Fragrance and aroma moderate to high intensity.
  • Flavour notes: Strawberry, berry, nutty, sweet. As cools sweetens.
  • Score average 83.5% – scored 83.5 in Puebla

Coffee F: Benedicto Yara (Colombia)

Feedback was:

  • Fragrance and aroma moderate intensity.
  • Flavour notes: Lemon, lime, dark chocolate. As cools ashy.
  • Score average 83%. This was also a love-hate coffee.

General feedback

The feedback from the session was every positive. Most people that attended told us they had never really had much Mexican coffee and the quality of these was very high. They were surprised about by the fruit notes and are looking forward to tasting more coffees.

We enjoyed hosting this and more importantly sharing these great Mexican coffees with those that came. Those that attended asked to please do more of these events, and we do plan too.

The feedback was great, and we were surprised at the range of scores and will host more of these in the future. This is a real sharing is caring experience.


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