Los Naranjos some background

Los Naranjosstands for the “Orange Trees” in Spanish. It also means hope for the 97 small coffee growers that are members of the Asociación Los Naranjos de San Agustin. Los Naranjos Relationship Coffee is grown by the members of this co-op of small coffee growers, which live in the vereda Los Naranjos, in the Municipality of San Agustin, south of the Department of Huila. One of the highlights of Los Naranjos Relationship Coffee is that it is grown is an area that sits very close to the archaeological ruins of San Agustin, which are remnants of a pre-Colombian culture that disappeared leaving only their burial sites as evidence of their existence.

Relationship coffees
Local grows are dealt with directly

The region has been blessed with some of the most fertile soils in Colombia lying in an area known as the “Macizo Colombiano” where the three branches of the Colombian Andes split. There are unique micro-climates and weather patterns that are the main componets of the terroir of the Los Naranjos Relationship Coffee.
The small coffee growers that belong to the Asociacion believe that by working together they can share knowledge on best growing practices, learning from each other and improving as a whole. The effort has paid off and the region has become a point of reference for high quality coffees. The 97 members of the Association have seen how their joint efforts towards producing better quality has generated international recognition (third place in SCAA Coffee of the Year competition in 2007 and first place in 2009) and better incomes for their families. This is the start of a beneficial cycle that will lead to improvements for the community.

Los Naranjos Relationship Coffee represents the very best of the local coffee flavour, highlighting fruits, flowers and honey in the acidity, combined with a medium body and a long aftertaste.

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