Results from Quaffee’s Event Type Survey

We had a great response from our survey and decided to publish these results.

Event time

It seems Saturday is a winner here, we are very limited with space at Buitenverwachting, and can really only do Saturday events while there is still low season. This means essentially we can only do Saturday events from May until mid October. So our first event will be 10 Oct 2015 0 if it is not already booked.

We did note that very few people selected events at their place of work.

Our next event will be Sat 10 Oct.

Preferred Event Type

We were surprised to see tasting so popular, so we will include this at all our events, and perhaps even include our new tasting sheet, and methodology that we have developed.

Coffee Brewing Events

For the coffee brewing focused events it appeared most people just want to observe, we will honour that, but feel it is important that people get involved, so will be guiding at least one person through the brewing processes as we do at an event.

Coffee Tasting

We were very surprised with this result that most people would prefer to see a standard coffee cupping. these are quite time intensive so we are going to do our best to included these at each event.



In summary we are going to try and run events that combine a little of each option, and see how that goes. If people then would prefer specific event than we will see how it goes. As already stated we will be running our first event in will be at Buiten Sat 10 Oct, you can find out details.

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